Dubai….. Yeah Dubai. Every time you go back to that place you find roundabouts missing, new overpasses that go from somewhere to somewhere else but still above your head.
Had to go over there to get some paperwork done. In the mean time helped at the workshop, which turned out to be a not such a good idea this time, as I managed to hurt my left hand.

Funny, right? 😀
Don’t worry about it. I was lucky. It was just 5 stitches. No broken bones, no tendon damage. After four weeks, hand is as good as new.
Anyway, I’m babbling. Dubai was nice, went to some cool places like TT Custom Choppers
But, I’m finally on a job to Kuwait. Haven’t been here in about two years.
The look from the window doesn’t look that bad, but it’s freaking cold and windy outside.
Not sure what happens next, as I’m still here waiting for some permissions to go into the field.
Stay tuned…